shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 16 this article was published in the magazine stay safe online campaign and g20 digital innovation alliance (dia) launched by meityministry of electronics and information and technology (meity) is the nodal agency for the g20 digital economy working group (dewg).during indias g20 presidency the meity will focus on three priority areas namely digital public infrastructure (dpi) cyber security and digital skill development. dpi comprises foundational populationscale technology systems on which the digital economy operates this can include identity systems payment systems data exchanges and social registries shine india monthly magazine telugu aadhaar and upi digital system.about stay safe online campaign its objective is to raise awareness among citizens to stay safe in the online world due to the widespread use of social media platforms and the rapid adoption of digital payments. it involves the dissemination of multilingual awareness content in the form of infographics etc.about g20dia its objective is to identify recognize and enable the adoption of innovative and impactful digital technologies developed by startups from g20 nations as well as the invited nonmember nations. o it seeks digital solutions in the six themes viz. agritech healthtech edtech fintech secured digital infrastructure and circular economy shine india monthly magazine subscription.
shine india monthly magazine