Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine use full for civil
services students published this article page no 1 the number 911
has been in the news quite frequently in the last couple of years 911 is the
emergency number dialed by people when they need fire police or ambulance
assistance in a hurry in the year 911 the lower seine area was ceded to the
norse invaders under hrolf ranger as the duchy of normandy (treaty of st claire
sur epte) anastasius iii became pope from 911-913 the danes started the towv of
drogheda in ireland 9 11 also stands for the horrendous attack by terrorists on
new york city and the pentagon in which thousands of people were murdered here
are some pertinent questions that to this day still have not been answered why
did the fbi stop their investigation in mid 1996 of two of osama bin ladens
relatives in washington and a muslim organisation the world assembly of muslim
youth was it because they had orders from higher up to stop any investigations
related to the bin laden family why did george wbush give the order to stop
inquiries into the terrorist connections of the bin laden family based in the
us and abroad in early 2001 why did the us government allow all the bin laden
family members to fly out of the us while all other air-traffic was grounded
was it because the bin laden family has been funding the bush family
politically for a long time why did none of the 19 hijackers appear on the
passenger lists involved in the 4 hijjacked planes can you explain why none of
the indestructible black boxes have been found at any of the crash centers when
was the last time george hw bush travelled to the middle east on behalf of the
privately owned carlyle group one of the largest defense contractors in the us
and what was the purpose of that meeting if we knew that there was a terrorist
attack going on which we did and we suddenly have two trade towers in new york
being obviously hit by terrorist activity and we also knew of commercial
airliners changing course from boston to los angeles then where was the
response of the defense establishment once we saw the diversion of the aircraft
headed west from dulles turning around 180 degrees and likewise in the aircraft
taking off from newark and in flight turning 180 degrees answer commenting from
cnn on the timeline 903 is the correct time that the united airlines flight
crashed into the south tower of the world trade center 943 is the time that
american airlines flight 77 crashed into the pentagon and 1010 am is the time
that united airlines flight 93 crashed in somerset county pennsylvania competition
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Competition success magazine