competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

world focus magazine

world focus magazine

world focus magazine Published this article page no  27 An admittedly small upstart group of Palestinians, comparing the quality of their governance with the orderly procedures in Israel, have decided the best thing that can happen to them is to give up on their own government. As a result, they are asking Israel to keep the members of the Hamas government the Israelis arrested in response to the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier by militants. Even more surprisingly, they are advocating a one-state solution, with the Gaza Strip and West Bank volunteering to become part of Israel. To let their voices be heard, they took to the streets, waving banners that read, “Palestine, No; Israel, Yes!”; “I Almost Speak Hebrew Already”; and “Let’s Make A Deal.” Israel reacted with caution to the unexpected development, with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert saying, “Let them return our soldier; then maybe we can talk.” When a reporter pointed out that if Gaza and the West Bank became part of Israel, the soldier would technically already be in Israel, Olmert replied, “Yes, but we want him back in his own home, and we want him there alive. Then we can do a headcount.” Asked what he meant by a headcount, he said, “As you know, we insist that Israel have a Jewish majority. It’s only fair that, in the entire Middle East, there should be at least one country that does. After all, our ancestors were here, too, and that’s why we set up the country. So we have to determine with that many more Palestinians in Israel, do we have a Jewish majority? Right now, I’d say no way, Hosni.” The reporter asked, “Then the latest Palestinian proposal Israel to become a one-state solution would not be acceptable to you?” “I don’t see how, unless they agreed to limit procreation for a few decades while the Israelis agreed to step on the gas. Then maybe we could work something out.” “Such as?” “Oh, maybe they could have our government without voting rights. You must remember that one of the inconvenient things about having a Palestinian majority that could vote is that I could be replaced by a Palestinian. We can’t have that. But I would like to see both Israelis and Palestinians happy.” “Happy? Wow, that’s asking a lot, isn’t it?” the reporter commented. “Has that condition ever prevailed in the Middle East?” “Not in my lifetime, but I’m an idealist,” Olmert replied. “To tell the truth, we should all only be happy in this region. It would be the greatest thing since sliced Challah bread.” Then his mind wandered back, searching for a time when people in the Middle East might have been happy. “You know, happiness for everyone in this region would be almost as great as the wonderful day the burning bush lit up and God waved Moses over to give him the Ten Commandments. By the way, did you ever think how extraordinary it is that the finger of God came out of the bush and carved the Commandments in stone just for Moses?” “Well,” the reporter said, considering the matter, “let’s just say I never had a bush light up to give me a message.” “Oh, I don’t know many people who have. But, what’s even more extraordinary is, when he came down and saw the Israelites worshipping the golden calf, he threw the stone tablets down and broke them. But we still have them.” “Yes, we do. What do you think he did, pieced them back together again?” “Maybe. But I like to imagine a more dramatic sequel. What if he went back up, apologized to the bush, and asked for another copy?” “Oh, well, that’s interesting.” “Yes,” the prime minister went on, “And, to prove the generosity of God, he got it! To me the second copy is as important to me as the Christian Second Coming. Well, so much for Biblical chitchat. I must get back to governing Israel, regardless of whether it will only be to govern what we consider the current state of Israel or we decide the Palestinians can have our government, too  world focus magazine subscription buy.

world focus magazine

world focus magazine

world focus magazine

world focus magazine Published this article page no  26  Valentine’s Day is celebrated every year on February the 14th. This day is celebrated to express love. For lovers it is the most important day as they can express their deepest feelings to their loved ones. On Valentine’s Day we honor all those people who we love the most. Love is the most beautiful feeling in which our heart does the talking. To express this beautiful feeling millions and millions are spent on cards, flowers, gifts and candies every year. The best way to express the impact of love is the Valentine Card. The Valentine Cards are one of the most special attractions of the Valentine’s Day. The history of Valentine cards dates back to the Middle Ages. It is said that while in prison Charles, Duke of Orleans wrote a poem to his spouse whom he loved the most. A Valentine Day card gives your loved one the message that how much you love them and how important he or she is in your life. The most important thing in the card is the message the colors and other things provide a supporting value. A Valentine Card can be very helpful when someone is expressing his or her love for the first time. This is a very special occasion for many people and requires a lot of courage. A Valentine card can be very helpful in this time as it can easily convey your message in an appropriate manner to your loved one. A Valentine card can be given with a valentine gift also. Another way to impress your sweetheart is to give a handmade valentine card. You can decorate it with pictures of your own choice, glitter or any other type of crafts, while you can also write the message which can be taken form online or offline source. Adding a poem can also be very romantic. “Be my Valentine” can be a best message in your handmade card. Everything which you think about your loved one should go in the card. Another way is to create your card online or electronically. There are various websites which allow you to create cards of your own choice. These websites provide different types of fonts as well as covers. You can also write your own message as well as from one of their verses inside the card. This is a perfect way to express your true feelings. It must be kept in mind that you should order your card before time so that you can review it for errors prior to the arrival of Valentine’s Day. There are many valentine cards with different themes available in the market. It is very difficult to choose one from a very large list, as you want a very special card for that very special person. The card must be perfect in all aspects from the cover to the writing style to what the message it conveys. The most prominent of them are Miss You valentine cards, Kiss You valentine cards. But you should always go for a unique card, a card that just says “I Love You” can also do the trick. Nowadays the Valentine E-cards are getting very popular. The main reason is that they are free of cost and have are available in a huge variety. A free valentine e-card is a very wonderful way to express your romantic felling t your loved one and know how you fell about him or her. The best thing about such cards is that these cards can be sentimental as well as funny. These cards can be used in many different ways and purposes depending upon you that you use them for which purpose. Another unique feature of such cards is that they are available throughout the year  world focus magazine subscription buy.

world focus magazine

Monday, May 16, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  28  Did you ever notice that we’re surrounded by information but hardly ever come across an idea in the media that might help us lead sane and happy lives? Oh, not the usual self-help drivel about how to lose weight or enjoy sex, but answers to the really big questions, like what to think about when you wake up in the morning and how to drink water out of a plastic bottle without burping. Try this experiment. Next time you go up to your favorite newsstand, scan all the overwrought front pages and smiley cover stories and try to find at least one suggestion that addresses the biggest questions your have about life. We’re not kidding around here. We’re talking about the big slam-dunk ideas that can actually help you get along with a commendable degree of rationality and happiness. Of course, you’d think everybody would know enough about such mental resources by the age of sixteen or so, but, judging by the amount of craziness and misery in the world, even among supposedly intelligent people, apparently very few folks ever do marshal their defenses against life’s tribulations and their inspirations toward its delights. For instance, how about Spalding Gray, whose recent successful foray into New York’s East River, shocked and depressed us all? What was he thinking? Or, going back a way to another misguided riverine escapade, take Robert Schumann, one of the brightest and most generous composers who ever lived. The distracted soul became so frantic and depressed, even with a cute and accomplished wife like Clara, that he walked into the Rhine in the middle of February and, having accidentally survived, begged to spend his last days in an insane asylum. Obviously, there’s a real need here for some handiwork. So, to help make up for the pervasive vapidity of the usual media and not wanting anything untoward to happen to you, precious reader, but actually wishing you perpetual joy, we herewith present twelve ways to help jaunt through life sane and happy, at least, most of the time. 1. Believe you were born to be sane and happy. It helps you think better of what’s behind it all. 2. To be sane and happy, do great things, because it’s fun, helpful, and makes you feel good about yourself. It’s also generally, but not always, rewarding to be considerate and, if you can afford it, generous. 3. Let other people believe anything they want to and just be happy that they have something that helps them get through this frequently challenging life, unless what they believe is likely to hurt somebody else, especially you. Then just clear out. You can find better friends. If they’re part of your family, wait till they figure out how to love you on their own shine india monthly magazine onlineshine india monthly magazine subscription buy.

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine 

shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  27 I'm poor. And I'm not ashamed of it. Actually, I'm kind of proud of myself for being poor. It's an accomplishment that many people will never attain. Some people will go through their whole life and never know what it's like to experience some of the finer points of poverty like eating ramon noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner 5 days a week. My heart goes out to these types of people. The Fourtunate Ones. People who've always had electricity, nice cars, and proper clothing. I wasn't always poor. I had to work hard at it. I had to quit several jobs without finding new ones. I had to spend 75% of my paycheck at the bar when I knew my bills would have easily taken 90%. I had to max out credit cards and never pay on them. I had to give money to females that I knew would never pay it back. And most importantly I had to move to a small town where $6.00 and hour is considered 'good money'. I didn't know that I was putting myself in line for poverty while I was doing all these things. I just woke up one day and realized that I couldn't pay my car note because I only had 11 cents in the bank. And that's when it hit me: I'm POOR! It took me 25 long years but I finally nose-dived below the poverty line. I was now in the same category as the homeless and welfare recipients. No more was I hindered by riches. I had shed that lifestyle. I got up and fixed myself a mayonaisse sandwich to celebrate. Delicious! As a poor person I am entitled to certain privledges to which the well-to-do won't every be privy. I decide haved to list a few: - Instead of lugging around a wallet full of heavy dollar bills I now pay for important purchases like gasoline and food with spare change that I scavenge up around the house. - I get to shop at stores with improperly spelled titles like Sav-A-Lot, Thrif-Ti-Mart, and DisKount King. These stores offer a wide variety of out-dated, slightly damaged merchandise that Wal-Mart shoppers can only dream of. - I get to drool at resturant commercials on TV because I know I will never be able to afford meals like that again unless a rich relative dies - I get to wear my friend's hand-me-down clothes and shoes. This means that I rarely match and my feet ache constantly from wearing shoes that are three sizes too small. - I get to freely engage in the offical sports of the National Poor People's Association: begging and borrowing. - I get to go to bed every night with the comforting thought that if I ever do meet Ms.Right I can't afford to date her. I'll stop there because I see the envy rising to dangerous levels in a few reader's eyes. These readers probably have steady jobs and nice homes or apartments. Their bills are probably caught up. They probably have an immense wardrobe with properly sized shoes. Their bank account probably never drops below $5,000. I apologize to these readers if my boasting about my impoverished condition has made them feel inferior and totally removed any self-esteem they may have had left. All I can say is that I never meant to be poor. I was just in the right places at the right times. Maybe one day all of you will find yourselves on the Road to Rags as well. Until then you can check in with me if you want to know what it's like. I'll be the guy on the side of the interstate off-ramp with the 'Will Work For Food' sign. Pull your Mercedes right up and ask me anything. I promise I won't laugh shine india monthly magazine onlineshine india monthly magazine subscription buy. 

shine india monthly magazine