competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

csr hindi subscription

 csr hindi subscription 

csr hindi subscription  Published this article page no  An Angami Naga Sekhose attributes much of his design style to his roots in Nagaland imbibing a modern adaptation of tribal patterns colours and textiles from his native region. Similarly a native of Meghalaya Stacey Pongener Syiem has created a niche for herself in the UK with her urban tribal fashion brand Little Hill People. Her culturally infused contemporary fashion wear apparel and accessories are the epitome of innovative designs using traditional weaves and beads of the tribes of North East India. The north-east region by way of its location enjoys key advantages as much as it throws up challenges for businesses. The situation however has improved significantly in the last few years. There is increase in the share of industrial activity in all eight states in the region with Meghalaya Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh recording the highest growth. Most development indices also show a positive performance in the region when compared to other states in India. This is just the beginning of the growth story and one can see that the textile industry will be acting as a pivot of this growth. csr hindi subscription

csr hindi subscription 

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