competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Pratiyogita kiran English

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Pratiyogita kiran English by kiran prakashan delhi published this article page no 20 it is conceivable that by 2008 the internet will completely change the look and feel of american politics. the political process as we know it will be unrecognizable compared to where we are today. with information there is power and people will have choices that they do not have today. theres a new freedom coming and with it a shift of power back to the people.several days ago an unfortunate shooting took place in new york city. a team of five undercover police officers were sitting in a van outside a strip club doing surveillance. there was an additional officer outside on foot in radio contact with the van. a gentleman of african american descent was celebrating his wedding which was supposed to be the next day with two of his friends. the three individuals left the club got into their car and came under suspicion of the officer who was on foot and in plain clothes. the officer approached the car wearing his badge. the driver of the car bolted. the officer thereupon radioed the five officers in the van that i think he has a gun. at that point the car with the three individuals in it crashes into the van with the five cops not once but twice pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine free download.

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Pratiyogita kiran English

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Pratiyogita kiran English by kiran prakashan delhi published this article page no 19 you eat in the finest restaurants yet your basic paycheck isnt big enough to support your lifestyle. whos paying for these lifestyles? if its not the citizens than who what is expected in return. mark foley is symbolic of something terribly wrong in both parties. its an atmosphere of anything goes and i am above reproach. i am not accountable. is this really the message we want to send to the next generation. foley this sick mindless congressman wants to hide behind the notion that he was drunk when he committed these acts. really does he really think that the rest of us are going to fall for his mindless chatter? i mentioned in this article that i am generally optimistic regarding my country. what keeps me optimistic today is the power of the internet. it is something the founding fathers would have marveled at. yes theres too much noise or chatter out there. yes you have to be focused to get pass the sheer density of information that is available to each of us. ah once you get passed that noise though theres a liberating experience awaiting each of us. we have the power to obtain whatever knowledge we desire on just about any topic. we are not using that vast knowledge yet but we will be pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine free download.

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Pratiyogita kiran English

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Pratiyogita kiran English by kiran prakashan delhi published this article page no 18 you can only keep that game going so long and then somehow it goes wrong. if the impotent democrats are smart they will say nothing and do nothing about this mark foley affair. the world of the republicans is vaporizing right before their eyes. these are men who say they are conservatives and yet know nothing of conservatism. barry goldwater the arizona conservative republican senator who started it all would be appalled at what is taking place in his party today. he might not be able to call himself a conservative anymore if he were alive. foley was in charge of a subcommittee in the house that dealt with exploited children. you talk about living a lie. where are we as citizens of a free society if elected officials think that its okay to espouse one thing in public and then do the opposite thing in private. i would ask our elected officials how dumb can you be? what contribution do you make to society? the rest of us are out here supporting ourselves making our schools better and improving our local communities. you guys are just living off the collective decency of the rest of us. you spend money like its unlimited pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine free download.

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription published this article page no  13 lt smith continued with the task in hand and led his platoon in the clearing of the remaining trenches on the western bank of the canal at 00.21 hrs the fighting at the caen canal bridge started to die down and pte parr made his way to the cafĂ© that was the rallying point for 25 platoon.  as he ran past the end of the bridge he saw one of his comrades lying on the ground in the middle of the road.  knowing that he had to report to lt brotheridge he continued on for a few more paces before he pulled up short.  turning around he realised that the soldier on the ground was lt brotheridge.  he went back and knelt down beside his platoon commander lt brotheridge had been shot in the neck his eyes were open and his lips were moving but not a sound came out as wally parr put his hand under lt brotheridges head to lift it up his eyes just rolled back 24 platoon had finished clearing the trenches on the home bank of the canal and lt wood decided to report to maj howard that his task was complete Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription. 

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription published this article page no  14 with sgt leather and a runner he was moving back towards maj howards position when a burst from a german schmeisser rang out.  three bullets caught lt david wood in the leg and he fell to the ground.  bleeding profusely frightened and shaken up he tried to stand but found he was unable to so.  both sgt leather and the runner had also been hit and lay on the ground nearby.  cpl godbold one of his section commanders took over command of the platoon it was about this time that a shaken but none too seriously injured s/sgt jim wallwork started to regain consciousness he was lying on his stomach with his seat on top of him.  he could hear john ainsworth calling out his name and asking if he was all right.  looking around he saw s/sgt ainsworth pinned under the wreckage of the gliders nose and when he asked him if he could crawl out he replied no Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription. 

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Friday, August 27, 2021

banking services chronicle book

banking services chronicle book

Published this article : banking services chronicle book  The gushing and fawning by Boston columnists over how quickly Governor Mitt Romney mastered the nuts and bolts of Big Dig information is frightening. I think his new found leadership is a diversion. In a slick show of control over the Central Artery Tunnel fiasco Mitt commands respect with a flick of his magic pointer. The media swoon. It looks like a Boston rendition of Chicago Bechtel as Roxie Hart kept safe and comfy in the lap of master puppeteer Mitt Romney playing Billy Flynn. Nice guy cute guy downright lovable when he is home pretending he cares great song and dance man but there is more going on here than screwing in anchor bolts. Much harder questions need to be asked and investigated by the local media and by independent safety engineers to assure that no more 3-ton ceiling slabs land on commuters or travelers. But as with any good magic show Mitt has all eyes trained on the anchor bolts while he tries to convince the public jury that the real fault lies with Matt Amarillo and that Bechtel should be free to just walk out the door. Just when we thought it was going to be safe to go back in the Central Artery Tunnels in Boston the Governor let us know that more anchor bolts were faulty in several lanes of I-90 and perhaps in more tunnels. One of the problems with listening to Governor Romney Turnpike Chair Matt Amarillo or most CA/T predecessors is that they are lawyers and businessmen not engineers. So take a minute during Mitts Magic Show to visit the CA/T with my tunnel vision because something does not smell right. Even though the laser light is dazzling and the hard hat adds such charm. Im not ready to clear the deck of the Super Scoop barge for a decisive victory photo-op. First take a really close look at the failed epoxy holding the anchor bolts that suspend the 3-ton concrete ceiling panels. Here are some of the easy to follow instructions for construction workers regarding epoxy- Prior to application all areas must be free of contamination such as waxes oils loose concrete dirt curing compounds etc.  Acid etching followed by proper neutralization and rinsing is usually acceptable if the concrete is in excellent condition not contaminated.  (emphasis mine). Drum Roll-Mitt shines a laser light into the dark tunnel and we hear the ooows and ahhhs over the new shiny anchor bolts and a slight of hand trick begins. Will the rabbit now stay in the hole or pop out of the hard hat? Wake up. Remove your gaze from the anchor bolts and focus on the other end of the suspension rods within the ceiling panels themselves. We see a concrete ceiling with newly tightened anchor bolts on the top and steel cable rods embedded in 3-ton concrete slabs suspended beneath on the other end of the cable.  No steel beams exist in the I-90 connector to create the desirable steel-bolted-to-steel infrastructure. So any suspended cable will only behave as well as the concrete on either end allows it to behave. If I put an anchor bolt in a wad of silly putty and hang a rod embedded in 5 lbs. of modeling clay from it…well its hanging there with a limited lifespan I dont care how new the anchor bolt might be. Anchor bolts will mean very little if this construction mess in downtown Boston is the result of mixing contaminated dirt and fill into the composition of the concrete ceiling walls or floor. Here is how the trick might have been done (1) While most eyes follow the light and focus on anchor bolts our current investigation shows that there is a global demand for recycled construction products. This demand has increased substantially during the past two decades. The Big Dig produced over 4000 miles and over 11 million cubic feet of dirt in the early digging stages. Most of this dirt and debris was processed for contamination and recycled into the Big Dig as clay landfill capping material project backfill and as aggregate (mix) for the tons and tons of concrete needed for the project. The miles of extra dirt came from the demolition at the airport the dredging of the harbor floor by the Super Scoop for the Ted Williams Tunnel the digging of the coffer dam excavation of miles underneath downtown Boston for the Tip ONeil Tunnel digging out tunnel entrances etc. In Big Dig II Down Under co-producer Arnie Reisman and I investigated this dirt and decided to follow the good news. The uncontaminated clay portions of this fill were going to be used to cap Spectacle Island and hundreds of Massachusetts landfills an appropriate reuse of heavier clay materials. We were assured that there was a dirt-testing lab and that all of the contaminated soil was being properly distributed and reviewed by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). We were handed stacks of literature interagency agreements regarding contaminated materials and many many press releases about the massive volume of dirt being tested and processed. Occasionally there was other good news on the disposition of the dirt. There were mountains of dirt and any disposition was cause for celebration. After all any unused dirt was going to cost the project and the managers big money for disposal. (2) Digging back through my Big Dig materials I unearthed a 1992 Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Environmental Protection and the Massachusetts Highway Department about the contaminated materials in the soil. This addressed the process for oversight and inspections of the dirt for specific chemicals contaminating the soil that are harmful to humans and wildlife. Of course those employees at the state DEP who were overseeing the process with the Big Dig were salaried by the Massachusetts Highway Department and the Central Artery Tunnel Project. We wont even begin to examine that closet. Why? Because right now we are trying to figure out the rabbit in the hat for Mitts Magic Show about the anchor bolts. (3) During construction there seemed to be an ongoing safety process regarding the concrete. Footage in Big Dig IV Still Working contained a segment on the concrete testing process that was overseen by the Joint Venture of Bechtel and the Massachusetts Highway Department. This footage will soon be available at our web site where we will also uncover what we consider to be the design change that is causing continuous leaks in the I-93 tunnel. This past winter a small Big Dig contractor was accused and indicted for allegedly mixing too much old concrete in with new concrete to create a substandard mix that may be contributing to some leaks in the I-93 tunnel underneath Boston. This was a red flag that something may be NOT O.K. with at least some of the concrete but no one really noticed. (4) By looking carefully at the Memorandum of Agreement it is obvious that the chemical contaminants in the DEP agreement are not the same chemical contaminants that can be harmful to the strength of the concrete or to the tendency of certain chemical contaminants to corrode embedded steel.  When certain chemicals are present in the sand and soil used as the aggregate or the mixing soil that is added to cement to make concrete they can weaken or affect other properties of the concrete. These effects may happen over time and consequently may not be detected using temperature and slump tests on the not-yet-hardened concrete. The Joint Venture (the state and Bechtel) was required to sample portions of the concrete in all Big Dig contracts for strength. If the aggregate used to make this same concrete contained chemical contaminants that do not affect concrete strength but can corrode steel fittings rapidly how would we know? Well obviously we check the standards right? That way we always mix in aggregate that does not contaminate the concrete in ways that can be disastrous. When I looked for national standards on chemical contaminants and concrete mix I found only an early attempt in Australia (1994-1996) to develop such construction standards for recycled material used in concrete construction. Many more Internet references attested to a lack of the type of precise testing over time that could lead to such standards. Perhaps the CA/T was following a set of engineering standards of which I am not aware. Of greatest concern is for the public to be informed about which chemical contaminates can affect the strength and durability of the concrete and which were present in what percentages in the recycled fill used throughout the CA/T tunnels. It is particularly important that an independent evaluation team makes a thorough investigation of the chemical properties of the recycled aggregate soil used throughout the project. This could help to identify areas that can be expected to have premature corrosion of steel rods embedded in concrete or that cause the concrete to expand or crumble or leak. So 12 years of Republican controlled reassurances that the harmful soil was being disposed of properly failed to explain to us that the tests were only for the chemicals and soil properties directly dangerous to humans for example piles of dirt that contained mercury. The tests and press releases from the CA/T in 1991-1995 did not describe the concentrations of chemical contaminants in fill that could cause premature collapse of the tunnel ceiling or walls from faulty concrete. We have those listed on our web site at our web site . We would appreciate hearing from any students engineers or chemical engineers who can provide clarification on this matter. We will post your information and we will post any established standards for contaminates used in concrete aggregates along with any standards used by the CA/T in disposition of the dirt back into the Artery construction. While we will continue to investigate this potential concrete catastrophe and review the documents and tapes at our disposal someone with far greater resources like the mainstream media needs to examine the CA/T deals made with contractors. How much of the previously used dirt and debris from demolition dredged or excavated material were each of these contractors required to reuse in their concrete? Was it tested for the road salts and other contaminants that may not be immediately harmful to people and therefore ruled usable by the DEP? Were those contaminates in sufficient quantity to pose problems as a concrete aggregate? Does the effort to get rid of over 4000 miles of soil through recycling and to save money or make money from disposal of the fill now threaten our lives when we drive through 3.8 million cubic feet of weakened or corrosive concrete? Our future could depend upon understanding the nature of these man-made caverns before the Big Dig becomes the Big Tomb. Remember look beyond Mitts Magic Show to see how this rabbit was stuffed into the hole in the first place. Next we look at the design change that may be the primary cause of I-93 tunnel leaks. banking services chronicle book

banking services chronicle book

banking services chronicle daily current affairs

 banking services chronicle daily current affairs

Published this article : banking services chronicle daily current affairs   The Forty Second (42nd) President of The United States of America and his loving spouse must remember that although they currently reside in New York and rub elbows with high society they are the Clintons from Arkansas - not the Kennedys from Massachusetts. Bill Clinton having made the point speaking on the stump in the 2008 Presidential campaign that he cannot make Hillary younger and that he cant make her male must surely understand that he cant bequeath her Presidential experience or powers by osmosis or any other means. The lady from Arkansas who would not bake cookies found herself playing a stewardess on Hill One and serving donoughts to the press minions. So she may have limited experience as a waitress and that could serve her well in the future. At least she has proven herself to be a mediocre actress who just might have the ability to weep on cue. Perhaps it can be put in terms the Clintons can understand if they can visualize the Razor Backs. The Arkansas football team has an equipment manager and a water boy among others and these kids rub elbows with the coaching staff the real players and the quarterback but in the final analysis irrespective of their team and personal pride they are easily replaceable support staff - not the team stars. Occasionally these kids get caught up in the whole heady experience and forget their place. Caught up in the moment they imagine themselves kings and king makers and thinking they run things they begin to usurp those titles and powers that belong to others. Finding it easier to usurp work accomplished by others and assume their accolades than to earn your own they at least try to do just that until the young lady who is unlucky enough to be the object of their affections is forced to put them in their place. Having pushed intimidated and bullied their way through life the Clintons apparently actually thought they had replaced the Kennedys as Americas premier political family. They assumed and usurped Jack Kennedys mantle until his brother Ted Kennedy the Senator from Massachusetts publicly anointed another. Suddenly the would be Commander In Chief who insists she wears the pants suits in her house suffers from the southern lady syndrome and suffering from the vapors comes out weeping appropriately to evoke the heart stings of any gentleman. It is inconceivable to the Tennessee Mountain Man that one can simultaneously be both the tough experienced Commander In Chief of the earths only super power and a wilting violent in need of a womans wiles to get her way. Itis nothing short of illusion and witchcraft. Twenty Eight (28) years of Bush and Clinton are more than enough for the computerman. America is ready for and wants a new direction... new blood... new leadership. If they were running again for the highest office in the land in any other country America (democrats and republicans alike) would be up in arms. The Computer Man is reminded of the fire storm surrounding the George and Lurleen Wallace comedy hour. Does America want that scenario for the nation? Have we learned nothing? Or are we simply so politically correct and self loathing that we cant help ourselves? No matter which way the country goes it is back to the future! The remote help desk team believes the question to be do we want Kennedys Camelot or Clintons chicanery. Does the United States want the visionary Kennedys hope or Clintons divisiveness with no inspiration? On the other hand there is a grumpy angry old white man for those who dont know who they are or where they stand on any particular issue from day to day. Perhaps if Hillary would just buck up and stop whining to MSNBC and the public. She could take a lesson from the Tennessee Mountain Mans girlfriend who on coming across the Mountain Man in a lounge with another young lady and reading too much into the situation swayed up to the bar and placing her hands on his leg thrust her tongue into his ear. Then whispered Honey make me jealous. If I get jealous I get hurt and then I get over it. But please dont make me mad. Because if I get angry I will snatch that bitch off that bar stool and mop up the floor with her. Then I will jerk her up by hair of her head and beat you with what is left. banking services chronicle daily current affairs

 banking services chronicle daily current affairs

Thursday, August 26, 2021

banking services chronicle current affairs pdf

 banking services chronicle current affairs pdf

Published this article : banking services chronicle current affairs pdf  Foreign aid foreign trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) have become weapons of mass persuasion deployed in the building of both the pro-war pro-American coalition of the willing and the French-led counter coalition of the squealing. By now it is clear that the United States will have to bear the bulk of the direct costs of the actual fighting optimistically pegged at c. $200 billion. The previous skirmish in Iraq in 1991 consumed $80 billion in 2002 terms - nine tenths of which were shelled out by grateful allies such as Saudi Arabia and Japan. Even so the USA had to forgive $7 billion of Egyptian debt. According to the General Accounting Office another $3 billion were parceled at the time among Turkey Israel and other collaborators partly in the form of donations of surplus materiel and partly in subsidized military sales. This time around old and newfound friends - such as Jordan an erstwhile staunch supporter of Saddam Hussein - are likely to carve up c. $10 billion between them says the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Jordan alone has demanded $1 billion. According to the Knight Ridder Newspapers in February 2003 an Israeli delegation has requested an extra $4-5 billion in military aid over the next 2-3 years plus $8 billion in loan guarantees. Israel the largest American foreign and military aid recipient is already collecting c. $3 billion annually. It is followed by Egypt with $1.3 billion a year - another rumored beneficiary of $1 billion in American largesse. Turkey stands to receive c. $6 billion for making itself available (however reluctantly belatedly and fitfully) as staging grounds for the forces attacking Iraq. Another $20 billion in loan guarantees and $1 billion in Saudi and Kuwaiti oil have been mooted. In the thick of the tough bargaining with Turkey demurring and refusing to grant the USA access to its territory the International Monetary Fund - thought by many to be the long arm of US foreign policy - suddenly halted the disbursement of money under a two years old standby arrangement with the impoverished country. It implausibly claimed to have just unearthed breaches of the agreement by the Turkish authorities. This systemic non-compliance was being meticulously chronicled - and scrupulously ignored by the IMF - for well over a year now by both indigenous and foreign media alike. Days after a common statement in support of the American stance the IMF clinched a standby arrangement with Macedonia the first in two turbulent years. On the same day Bulgaria received glowing - and counterfactual - reviews from yet another IMF mission clearing the way for the release of a  tranche of $36 million out of a loan of $330 million. Bulgaria has also received $130 million in direct US aid between 2001-3 mainly through the Support for East European Democracy (SEED) program. But the IMF is only one tool in the administrations shed. President Bush has increased Americas foreign aid by an unprecedented 50 percent between 2003-6 to $15 billion. A similar amount was made available between 2003-8 to tackle AIDS mainly in Africa. Half this increase was ploughed into a Millennium Challenge Account. It will benefit countries committed to democracy free trade good governance purging corruption and nurturing the private sector. By 2005 the Account contained close to $5 billion and is being replenished annually to maintain this level. This expensive charm offensive was intended to lure and neutralize the natural constituencies of the pacifistic camp non government organizations activists development experts developing countries and international organizations. As the war drew nearer the E10 - the elected members of the Security Council - also cashed in their chips. The United States has softened its position on trade tariffs in its negotiations of a free trade agreement with Chile. Immigration regulations were relaxed to allow in more Mexican seasonal workers. Chile received $2 million in military aid and Mexico $44 million in development finance. US companies cooperated with Angola on the development of offshore oilfields in the politically contentious exclave of Cabinda. Guinea and Cameroon absorbed dollops of development aid. Currently Angola receives c. $19 million in development assistance. Cameroon already benefits from military training and surplus US arms under the Excess Defense Articles (EDA) program as well as enjoying trade benefits in the framework of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act. Guinea gets c. $26 million in economic aid annually plus $3 million in military grants and trade concessions. The United States has also pledged to cause Iraq to pay its outstanding debts mainly to countries in Central and East Europe notably to Russia and Bulgaria. Iraq owes the Russian Federation alone close to $9 billion. Some of the Russian contracts with the Iraqi oil industry thought to be worth dozens of billions of dollars may even be honored by the victors promised the Bush administration. It reneged on both promises. Debt relief reduced Iraqs debt by 90% and all Saddam Hussein era contracts were vitiated. Thus the outlays on warfare are likely be dwarfed by the price tag of the avaricious constituents of president Bushs ramshackle coalition. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman aptly christened this mass bribery The Martial Plan. Quoting some observers he wrote The administration has turned the regular foreign aid budget into a tool of war diplomacy. Small countries that currently have seats on the U.N. Security Council have suddenly received favorable treatment for aid requests in an obvious attempt to influence their votes. Cynics say that the coalition of the willing President Bush spoke of turns out to be a coalition of the bought off instead. But this is nothing new. When Yemen cast its vote against a November 1990 United Nations Security Council resolution authorizing the use of force to evict Iraq from Kuwait - the United states scratched $700 million in aid to the renegade country over the following decade. Nor is the United States famous for keeping its antebellum promises. Turkey complains that the USA has still to honor its aid commitments made prior to the first Gulf War. Hence its insistence on written guarantees signed by the president himself. Similarly vigorous pledges to the contrary aside the Bush administration has allocated a pittance to the reconstruction of Afghanistan in its budgets - and only after it is prompted to by an astounded Congress. Macedonia hasnt been paid in full for NATOs presence on its soil during the Kosovo conflict in 1999. Though it enjoyed $1 billion in forgiven debt and some cash Pakistan is still waiting for quotas on its textiles to be eased based on an agreement it reached with the Bush administration prior to the campaign to oust the Taliban. Congress is a convenient scapegoat. Asked whether Turkey could rely on a further dose of American undertakings Richard Boucher a State Department spokesman responded truthfully I think everybody is familiar with our congressional process. Yet the USA despite all its shortcomings is the only game in town. The European Union cannot be thought of as an alternative benefactor. Even when it promotes the rare coherent foreign policy regarding the Middle East the European Union is no match to Americas pecuniary determination and well-honed pragmatism. In 2002 EU spending within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership amounted to a meager $700 million. The EU signed association agreements with some countries in the region and in North Africa. The Barcelona Process launched in 1995 is supposed to culminate by 2010 in a free trade zone incorporating the European Union Algeria Morocco Tunisia Egypt Israel Jordan Lebanon the Palestinian Authority Syria and Turkey. Libya has an observer status and Cyprus and Malta have joined the EU in the meantime. According to the International Trade Monitor published by the Theodore Goddard law firm the Agadir Agreement the first intra-Mediterranean free trade compact was concluded In March 2003 between Egypt Jordan Morocco and Tunisia. It is a clear achievement of the EU. The European Union signed a Cooperation Agreement with Yemen and in 1989 with the Gulf Cooperation Council comprising Saudi Arabia Kuwait Bahrain Qatar United Arab Emirates and Oman. A more comprehensive free trade agreement covering goods services government procurement and intellectual property rights is in the works. The GCC has recently established a customs union as well. Despite the acrimony over Irans not-so-civilian nuclear program the EU may soon ink a similar set of treaties with Iran with which the EU has a balanced trade position - c. $7 billion of imports versus a little less in exports. The EUs annual imports from Iraq - at c. $4 billion - are more than 50 percent higher than they were prior to Iraqs invasion of Kuwait in 1990. It purchases more than one quarter of Iraqs exports. The EU exports to Iraq close to $2 billion worth of goods far less than it did in the 1980s but still a considerable value and one fifth of the countrys imports. EU aid to Iraq since 1991 exceeds $300 million. But Europes emphasis on trade and regional integration as foreign policy instruments in the Mediterranean is largely impracticable. Americas cash is far more effective. Charlene Barshefsky the former United States trade representative from 1997 to 2001 explained why in an opinion piece in the New York Times The Middle East ... has more trade barriers than any other part of the world. Muslim countries in the region trade less with one another than do African countries and much less than do Asian Latin American or European countries. This reflects both high trade barriers ... and the deep isolation Iran Iraq and Libya have brought on themselves through violence and support for terrorist groups ... 8 of (the regions) 11 largest economies remain outside the WTO. Moreover in typical EU fashion the Europeans benefit from their relationships in the region disproportionately. Bilateral EU-GCC trade for instance amounts to a respectable $50 billion annually - but European investment in the region declined precipitously from $3 billion in 1999 to half that in 2000. The GCC on its part has been consistently investing $4-5 billion annually in the EU economies. It also runs an annual trade deficit of c. $9 billion with the EU. Destitute Yemen alone imports $600 million from the EU and exports a meager $100 million to it. The imbalance is partly attributable to European non-tariff trade barriers such as sanitary regulations and to EU-wide export subsidies. Nor does European development aid compensate for the EUs egregious trade protectionism. Since 1978 the EU has ploughed only $210 million into Yemens economy for instance. A third of this amount was in the form of food support. The EU is providing only one fifth of the total donor assistance to the country. In the meantime the USA is busy signing trade agreements with all and sundry subverting what little leverage the EU could have possessed. In the footsteps of a free trade agreement with Israel America has concluded one with Jordan in 2000. The kingdoms exports to the United States responded by soaring from $16 million in 1998 to c. $400 million in 2002. Washington negotiated a similar deal with Morocco. It is usurping the EUs role on its own turf. Who can blame French president Jacques Chirac for blowing his lid. banking services chronicle current affairs pdf

 banking services chronicle current affairs pdf

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Banking service chronicle

  Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 6 everyday 30 people in the united states are murdered by a gunshot. that means 11000 people. however there are more than 25000 murders each year in the united states. in other industrialized countries germany has 381 each year france 255 great britain 68 australia 65 and japan 39. based on population to make it a fair assessment it turns out to be guns in america murder 1 out of 25916 people every year. compared to canada where the amount is 1 out of 190387 and 1 out of 864546 in great britain and only 1 out of 3254508 in japan america is the killing field of the world. gun expert robert j. spitzer political science professor at suny cortland and author of the book the politics of gun control points to americas mixed ethnicity. our diverse cultural background composed of many different ethnic religious social and other groups leads to inter-group rivalries suspicion hatred fear and sometimes violence professor spitzer said banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy.

  Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking servicechronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 5 the second amendment to the u.s. constitution guarantees every american the right to bear arms. has any law ever been so ambiguous what are arms what does it mean to bear them at least with the first amendment we know exactly where we stand freedom of speech. it couldnt be any clearer. but the right to bear arms leaves the second amendment open to different interpretations. we need gun permits to carry a concealed weapon. do we need knife permits no. yet both can and often do cause death. we can own a gun or a rifle or a sub-machine gun or a machete and dozens of other tools to kill even our own bare hands. so gun control is a debate in our country that makes no sense unless you broaden the ban or acceptance to include all instruments of death. according to population stats america has the highest crime rate in the world banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy.

 Banking service chronicle

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking servicechronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 4  you see i was able to get all my drugs refilled for the price of one count it one co-pay of a name-brand drug in america! i am not making this up. a months supply of generic prozac is less than $16.00 usd! we stepped into a new reality where everything--prescription drugs housing utilities food transportation entertainment--is 25-75% less than it is in america. my social security disability income adequately covers our expenses here in guanajuato mexico. moving to mexico--an alternative for everyone i doubt it. the solution i dont know. what i do know is that we and many other americans cannot sit idly by waiting for our elected officials to work it out. we had to take action--drastic as it was. that paper umbrella wasnt going to last long banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy!

 Banking service chronicle

Monday, August 9, 2021

Shine india monthly magazine

 Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthlymagazine  published this article page no 5  it is truly one of the miracles of history and this grand experiment has evolved and lasted for more than 200 years. it has survived the civil war a conflagration that consumed more lives than all other wars combined that the united states has been in since. we survived the great depression thanks to the leadership of franklin roosevelt. viet nam and watergate ripped the social fabric of this country apart and we survived it. now tomorrow november 7 2006 is our first opportunity to pass judgment as voters on the republicans handling of the iraq war and indirectly terrorism. president bush is not up for election and this means that people must vote indirectly on his policies. this vote will be communicated through the house of representatives shine india monthly magazine telugu buy.

 Shine india monthly magazine

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking servicechronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 10 these bills cost the american taxpayer billions of extra and unnecessary dollars. an example is the drug bill for senior citizens where by the law specifically states that the federal government can not enter into negotiations with the drug companies to demand and force lower prices. wow you talk about giving away $25 to $50 billion extra dollars per year. frankly i dont think the republican members of congress got enough from these drug companies. the drug companies gave the republicans $12 million in contributions and got back tens of billions in the laws that were passed. if you are going to be corrupt you ought to get paid more than that. i believe that tuesday election day there will be a momentum tide that will sweep out the republican majority in the house and come close to taking the senate. with this act the american people will put the congress and the president on notice that these types of actions will not stand. we may go back to gridlock but for this writer gridlock is a pleasure compared to our experiences of the last few years banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

Friday, August 6, 2021

SBI Specialist Officers online Test Series

SBI Specialist Officers online Test Series

SBI Specialist Officers online Test Series Apart from the direct effect we have already experienced we will soon begin to suffer the flow on effects of the petrol hike. The cost of milk has already increased and a range of other industries such as transport storage forestry fishing agriculture and meat and all dairy products will have their costs increase due to the rising price of petrol. It is only a matter of time before these costs are passed on to us. sbi specialist officer exam If you think about it there are few goods and services in the economy that dont have fuel costs somewhere in their production and distribution chain. Well thats the bad news. The good news is that many experts believe that this spike in petrol prices is temporary. It is a result of diminished production due to natural disasters. Eventually the damage will be repaired supply will return to normal levels and the price will drop. However that could be six months or a year from now and until then you need to keep paying for the petrol pay your bills budget for Christmas and pay your mortgage sbi specialist officer test series.

SBI Specialist Officers online Test Series