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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription published this article page no  13 lt smith continued with the task in hand and led his platoon in the clearing of the remaining trenches on the western bank of the canal at 00.21 hrs the fighting at the caen canal bridge started to die down and pte parr made his way to the café that was the rallying point for 25 platoon.  as he ran past the end of the bridge he saw one of his comrades lying on the ground in the middle of the road.  knowing that he had to report to lt brotheridge he continued on for a few more paces before he pulled up short.  turning around he realised that the soldier on the ground was lt brotheridge.  he went back and knelt down beside his platoon commander lt brotheridge had been shot in the neck his eyes were open and his lips were moving but not a sound came out as wally parr put his hand under lt brotheridges head to lift it up his eyes just rolled back 24 platoon had finished clearing the trenches on the home bank of the canal and lt wood decided to report to maj howard that his task was complete Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription. 

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

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