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Friday, September 10, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this is article page no 56 the great communicator was just another republican crook! bill clinton and john kennedy did not have that much experience. abraham lincoln ran after two years in the house woodrow wilson after two years as governor and franklin d. roosevelt & jimmy carter after four years as governor. perhaps dr. martin luther king summed it up best in his the drum major instinct sermon delivered at ebenezer baptist church atlanta georgia february 4 1968 - he said everybody can be great because everybody can serve.... you only need a heart full of grace a soul generated by love. and you can be that servant qualities that are thoroughly lacking in the republican base - the self-chosen people of faith. if the democrats nominate hillary clinton a very polarizing democrat the republican smear spigots will spill out of control and flood the whole country to an extent that the katrina calamity will look like a storm in a teacup. on the other hand an obama nomination would fuel vicious racial and below the belt nyangau attacks from the right wing like the slime being spewed by republican troglodytes against black democrat harold ford jr. in the tennessee or by incumbent senator george macaca allen in virginia. i wonder if senator obama has the stomach for such personal and racist attacks -- a gop staple! colin powell assessed these circumstances in 2000 and chickened out and subsequently dimmed his star serving in this ham-fisted administration for four years before being pushed out in favor of yes-woman condoleezza rice. it is rumored that he feared political assassination. will obama follow through or is his potential candidacy just hype? it is time for america to put its racist legacy behind it to re-assess its future and take a closer look at this rising star for i think barack obama is ready -- to cleanse the maligned soul of america banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

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