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Friday, January 21, 2022

shine india monthly magazine in telugu

shine india monthly magazine in telugu

shine india monthly magazine in telugu  published this article page no 68 Most turtles tend to nest during the night. High tide is the most usual time for this particular turtle to nest. The red-eared slider is native to the United States. It is commonly found in the Southern regions. The species name for it is Trachemys s. elegans. When the red-eared slider is young it is carnivorous, but as it ages they become more vegetarian. They are a medium size and have a dark green oval shell. Their legs are green with think yellow stripes. The head is also green, but it has a red stripe behind the eye. These turtles are found in most permanent slow-moving bodies of water. They prefer areas with mud bottoms shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine in telugu

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